Attendance Policy
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts or Explorers who do not attend regularly lose out by not having the opportunity to complete their badge work, their attendance patterns can have a detrimental effect on the rest of their team, and they can create problems for the leaders in organising activities. They are also depriving another child of a place in the Group. The 1st Baldwyn Park has as a long waiting list.
Any Beaver, Cub, Scout or Explorer who misses two consecutive meetings without valid reason (principally illness) will immediately forfeit their place in the Group.
Behaviour Policy
Our members have developed their own rules which will help them to have the most fun at meetings:
- Follow the Scout Law, promise and motto in everything we do
- Show respect to leaders, other members, parents, and guests
- Listen and pay attention at all times, especially when someone else is speaking
- Respect others at all times, and be respectful of property
- Wear uniform and neckies at every meeting unless told otherwise
- Leave mobile phones, game consoles and other similar devices at home
- Absolutely no bullying
- Have fun!
Members may be immediately removed from activities for more serious behaviour. This is at the discretion of the leader in charge.
Parents will be informed when a member has been removed from an activity and will also be informed of repeated poor behaviour over a series of meetings. The support and cooperation of all parents in reinforcing these rules will ensure that our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers can enjoy and benefit from all our activities.