Who we are
We are the Hurricane Explorer Scout Unit (ESU) We are part of the Bexley District and attached to 1st Baldwyns Park Scout Group.
Explorer Units are the fourth Section of the Scouting family after Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Explorer Scouts are young people aged between 14 and 18 years old. There is flexibility in the age range: young people can join from age 13½ but cannot move to Scout Network until 18. Young people must have left the Explorer Scout section before the date of their 18th birthday.
What we do
Explorer Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme including traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking, as well as a wider spectrum of adventurous activities, from abseiling to zorbing.
The Explorer programme is supplemented and complemented by events and activities delivered across the District, allowing them the opportunity to socialise and work with other local Explorer Units.
In addition, there are a number of activity badges and ambitious top awards that Explorer Scouts can gain to recognise their achievements.
Location & meeting times
We meet every Monday evening from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at the The Scout Hut in Eden Road, Joydens Wood, Bexley, DA5 2EQ.
Hurricane ESU currently has 2 leaders.
All these leaders are volunteers and give up their time for free to deliver scouting activities, not only on a scout night but for other scouting activities at weekends
All of our Leaders are DBS checked regularly, and trained in First Aid, Safeguarding and Safety. Further Scout Training is also completed.
Explorer Scouts may wear a beige shirt or blouse with a Unit scarf there is a and navy blue activity trousers or skirt with a Scout belt for formal, events. They can wear an Explorer Belt and buckle or Explorer Scout Young Leader Buckle if either of these has been awarded.
Bexleyheath District Scout Shop
The Bexley District Scout Shop is located opposite the Chinagaga Chinese Restaurant in Mayplace Road West, Bexleyheath. It is open on Thursday evenings between 4:30pm and 9pm and it can provide everything a Beaver Scout might need. All profits go back to the Scout district.
Invested into the Scout Troop
When you are invested as a member of the Hurricane ESU we try to make it a bit different from the norm, we have invested members on top of the O2, in the middle of the wood in the dark, while at large events on scout radio and at the top of a high wire activity.
Once Explorers have attended between 4 and 6 weeks they are eligible to be invested into the Hurricane ESU and wear the scarf and woggle, note: Explorers cannot wear the Hurricane ESU scarf or woggle until they have been invested, even if they have just moved up from 1st Baldwyns Park Scout Troop. An Explorer must know the Scout promise and be able to repeat it unaided at the investment ceremony.
Online Scout Manager (OSM)
The Leaders at Hurricane ESU use an on-line system to handle the administration of the Scout Group. When you join you will be sent a link so, that you as parents can create an account to see all your child’s badges achieved listed and where to put them, our upcoming programme and update your details.
The cost is £36 per term. (£108 per year) this included your yearly membership to the Scout Association. All Camps and outings are extra.
If you wish to pay by:
Internet banking (our preferred method):
Barclays Bank
Account No:
Sort Code:
Please use your child’s name as a reference.
If you wish to pay cash please send in a sealed a named envelope.